Best Immune Supportive Supplements According to a Dietitan

I like to focus on food first. In fact, according to research, nutrients appear to have the biggest impact when they are consumed as a part of food instead of singled out in supplement form. Still during cold and flu season, you may wonder if you are getting enough of a of those immune supportive nutrients in your daily diet. Could supplements help? What does the research say?

I, personally, take immune supportive supplements during the fall and winter months, when contagions typically spread. Below I discuss some of my favorite immune supportive supplements and why?

The Best Immune Supportive Supplements According to a Registered Dietitian: The 5 Best Supplements to take during the cold and flu season

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But First A Note On Supplements

While I take an optimistic approach with food and their benefits, I am more cautious with supplements for two reasons. One, they can be expensive, and two, when taken in excess, supplements can become toxic. Some supplements can negatively interact with medications. Moreover, when you are taking a supplement that is shown to “boost” your immunity, this could theoretically cause your immune system to become overactive. Overactive immune systems could possibly trigger an autoimmune disease or allergies.

In the case of food, however, even if the research is preliminary and conflicting as far as a particular benefit; if the food is generally healthy, why not incorporate it in our diets? 

The take home message is always talk with your doctor before taking supplements.

How to Choose Your Immune Supportive Supplements

Supplements can have a place in our life when we are not getting enough of a certain nutrient in our diet. Below is a list of my top favorite supplements. Before I approve a supplement, the supplement must be generally regarded as safe based on research. I also look for supplements that are third party tested. Finally, I look to see if the supplement does what it says it can do according to ample research.

Here are My Top Immune Supporting Supplements

1. BlueBiology Immune Essentials

This supplement is packed with immune supporting ingredients- Vitamin C, Zinc, Elderberry, and Probiotics.

A Breakdown of the Active Ingredients in BlueBiology Immune Essentials

Active Ingredient: Elderberry

According to research, elderberry may shorten the duration of the flu by 56% when taken within 48 hours of the first symptoms. Elderberry may shortens the duration and severity by blocking a viruses ability to spread. (14) 

Relief occurs within 2-4 days of elderberry treatment. Although elderberry seems to shorten the duration and severity, it does not seem to prevent the common cold and other viruses.  

Active Ingredient: Vitamin C

Although research is conflicting, a majority of studies show that while vitamin C cannot prevent the onset of a cold, vitamin C may shorten the duration. One study showed that regular supplementation of vitamin C decreased the duration of the common cold in adults by 8% and in children by 14%. (12) It appears that you must be taking Vitamin C for an extended period of time, because taking vitamin C at the start of a cold does not seem to help.  

Active Ingredient: Zinc

According to a review of 15 studies, colds were prevented in people who took zinc by mouth for 5 months (14). Another review suggests that zinc lozenges and syrups are beneficial in reducing the duration and severity of the common cold in healthy people when taken within 24 hours of the onset of symptoms (84). However, eating foods high in zinc is safer than taking zinc supplements for long periods of time because excessive zinc intakes could cause copper deficiency. Because of this, I only take zinc-containing supplements every other day during the fall and winter months, when cold and flu are on the rise. If I do come down with a cold, I take a zinc-containing supplement everyday.

2. MyKind Elderberry Gummies

These gummies contain three immune supporting nutrients (elderberry, zinc, and vitamin C). They are also a little less expensive than others.

3. Gut Check Kor Shot

Not a supplement per say, but actually a juice shot. Still, you would take this juice shot daily in addition to your meals, similar to how you would take a supplement.

The Gut Check Kor shots contain probiotics. According to research, probiotics may help reduce the frequency and severity of infections and colds (2627  28,  2930313233). In a 2015 review, researchers looked at 12 studies (3,720 total participants) and found that people taking probiotics may have fewer and shorter upper respiratory infections. The review also noted that people who took probiotics had less of a need for antibiotics. They also had less absences from schools due to colds. Another review looked at 28 trials and found that all but 5 trials showed probiotic benefits in regards to respiratory tract infection outcomes.  

4. The Intense Defense KOR Shot

The Intense Defense KOR Shot contains zinc and vitamin D3. We already talked about the research for zinc above, but we haven’t talked about the role of vitamin D and the immune system yet. Evidence shows that vitamin D can have a significant impact on the immune system and may offer protection against the common cold (1216110111). In fact, people with low vitamin D levels are more susceptible to colds, flus, and respiratory infections. Adequate vitamin D may even decrease the rate of respiratory infections from colds, flu, bronchitis, and pneumonia. 

5. Humm Zero

Another great probiotic source that I like to consume on a regular basis is Humm Zero. This kombucha stands out from other kombuchas because all of the sugar has been fermented out of the drink, making this Kombucha a zero sugar drink.

6. Karma Probiotic Water

Karma probiotic waters are fortified with probiotic as well. These drinks have a fun factor too! When you are ready to drink a Karma, you push a button on the top of the bottle and the powder in the lid mixes with the water!

Immune Supportive Foods

Remember, eating immune supportive foods is even more important that supplements. These foods include antioxidant-rich foods like fruits and vegetables, omega-3-rich foods like salmon and tuna, and fresh herbs and spices like turmeric, cinnamon, garlic, and ginger. You can also drink juice shots containing these spices like the Vitality KOR Shot containing Turmeric and Wellness KOR Shot Containing ginger.

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Copyright © 2021 Mindfulness in Faith and Food, LLC.

Published by

Lacy Ngo

Lacy Ngo is a Registered Dietitian with a Masters in Human Nutrition. Lacy focuses on mindful eaitng and living and her blog provides over 400 nutrition and weight loss tips as well as inspiring faith stories

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