What Does Christian Mindfulness Look Like?

If you want to experience a day like you have never experienced before, try incorporating Christian Mindfulness techniques throughout your whole day!

For those of you who are new to my website, welcome! My name is Lacy Ngo. I am a registered dietitian who specializes in Christian Mindfulness and Nutrition.

Based on my own experiences as well as scientific research, I believe Christian Mindfulness can transform your day…your week…your year…your life. Christian mindfulness can transform all of you- your mind, body, and soul. 

running in nature, a forest,
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Let’s take look at a day filled with Christian Mindfulness Moments…

But first might I make a suggestion…

After reading this blog post, take a moment to ponder how a day filled with Christian Mindfulness could impact you. How would your day, your outlook on life, and your behaviors look different?

The Morning Run

My eyes opened. I could see soothing darkness all around me. I could feel the covers nestled around my body. I was warm, but I could tell that the air was cool beyond the covers. It was time to get up for my morning run, but first I smiled as I told God good morning.

“Thank you, God, for this soft bed and these cozy covers. Thank you for my cool house on this warm August day.” I prayed. After I prayed, I sat up and placed my feet on the soft carpet, and once again I was thankful for the softness of the carpet upon my feet. I brushed my teeth. I pulled a handle and miraculously clean cool water poured out of the faucet. Again, I thanked God for clean water and for the great mind that invented plumbing. 

I put on my shoes and walk to the front door. I opened it, and a breeze instantly hit my face. My hair lightly danced around my neck. It felt wonderful. I looked up. The dark sky sparkled with twinkling stars. I prayed again as I began my jog. I marveled at the night sky and the breeze. It was peaceful outside, but not quiet. The cicada serenaded me with their continuous song, and the crickets joined in from time to time. My feet hit the pavement like a drum beat. I listened to the song of the early morning as I ran. 

I returned from my run, refreshed and thankful for God’s first few gifts of the day. 

Eating in God’s Presence

My stomach growled. It was telling me my body needed food. I prayed, thanking God for the signals our body gives us, telling us what we need to flourish. I needed to make a snack decision so I thought for a moment about what miraculous foods I had in my fridge. I grabbed a bowl and a handful of blueberries. I dropped them in the bowl and they ever so slightly bounced as they hit the glass.  I picked up one blueberry and examined it. It was hard to believe this little sweet ball grew on a plant- nature’s candy.  I wondered what the first person who discovered blueberries thought about this little marvel. When they took that first bite, were they overjoyed with excitement that they had found something so sweet growing in nature?

close up photo of blueberries in nature
Photo by kristen munk on Pexels.com

Then I thought about the power the blueberries possess. The dietitian in me thought about how a study found that when people ate blueberries every day for 90 days, their memories improved. Wow! God gave us these little sweet memory balls! Again, another miracle from God. I thanked God and took in the knowledge that God was with me right then as I ate. I took a bite. The blueberry burst in my mouth as I bit down. Sweet liquid delighted my tastebuds. Thank you, God. 

Christian Mindfulness while Driving: Is That a Thing?

I was in a hurry. I felt anxious. At that moment, I was sitting at a light, and I was growing more and more impatient. The light turned green. My foot hit the gas a little harder than it needed to. My heavy foot was pointless because soon after I picked up a little speed I had to pump the brakes again at the next light. Ugh! I thought. 

But then I remembered…

traffic light on road at night
Photo by Elijah O’Donnell on Pexels.com

Tapping on the steering wheel in frustration isn’t helping me get all my errands done any faster. Watching the light doesn’t make it turn green any faster. I have to be in the car for a while no matter what I do, so why not embrace it?

So, at the next light, I prayed. I thanked God for that moment- the quiet time I was getting to spend in the car with Him. Then, I looked outside at a bright sky filled with puffy clouds. I decided to roll down my window so that I could feel the breeze. 

I asked God to help me show kindness to others at my next destination (i.e. the grocery store), and I thought about the ladies who work there. They are God’s creation-my sisters. I get to see more of God’s creation soon! Love for the people at the grocery store suddenly washed over me. I was excited to see them. 

Mindful Reading: A Few Minutes of Reading Can Change Your Life

It was the end of the day. It was time to rest my mind in God’s presence. I picked up the book, In the Presence of Jesus: A 40-day Guide to the Intimacy with God you Always Wanted.

The words of the book felt like a warm hug from Jesus. The calm swept over me. 

 The day was just as busy as always, yet I was filled with joy and peace. Although God had always been with me, now that I was focusing on Christian mindfulness, I was more fully noticing God all around me. 

I actually saw God and God’s miracles throughout the day- in the little things AND the big things. 

I finished reading and snuggled into my blanket. Then, I talked to God until I drifted off to sleep. 

My mindfully beautiful day was complete. I rested, so that, God willing, I could wake up to embrace another miraculous day.

The Transformative Power of Christian Mindfulness

This Christian Mindfulness approach to life is absolutely transformative. It certainly transformed my life. Thanks to Christian Mindfulness, my health, behaviors, and outlook on life have profoundly improved. My prayer is that Christian mindfulness can help you as well.

So, if you want to:

  • Notice those goose-bump God moments more often
  • Find peace and comfort for your soul in a chaotic world
  • Have more joy and patience 
  • Have a love-filled heart that is ready to spread joy and love to others

Then I recommend reading the book, In the presence of Jesus: A 40-day Guide to the Intimacy with God you Always Wanted.

In the Presence of Jesus: A book about Christian Mindfulness

In the Presence of Jesus is an easy-to-follow, step-by-step daily guide that will help you truly understand in your heart what your head knows- that God is present in your everyday life. God’s comfort, love, and guidance are with you all the time.

You can learn more about this beautiful devotional written by Paul Bane and Matt Litton, here. 

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy spending the rest of your day In the Presence of Jesus.

About Lacy Ngo, MS, RDN

Lacy Ngo is nationally recognized as one of the top experts in faith-based mindfulness and evidence-based nutrition.

Ngo shares her secret tips and tricks with readers on how to get into shape not only physically but mentally as well in her Christian Mindfulness and Nutrition book, 18 Weeks to a Healthier, Happier, More Purposeful Life. Ngo has been featured on Eat This, Not That!, Byrdie, The Healthy, Fitbit.com, Parade, and many more…

Many people become discouraged when they follow a strict diet and don’t see results. Ngo experienced this frustration firsthand, even as a registered dietitian. “My life revolved around weight loss, yet my weight continued to go up and down,” she said. “Eventually I let go of my obsession and discovered a whole new approach to life and health. I nourished my body, soul, and mind with mood-enhancing food and behaviors, and I experienced miraculous results I never achieved before.”

Published by

Lacy Ngo

Lacy Ngo is a Registered Dietitian with a Masters in Human Nutrition. Lacy focuses on mindful eaitng and living and her blog provides over 400 nutrition and weight loss tips as well as inspiring faith stories

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