The Best Supplements for Athletes According to a Dietitian

A Note on Supplements for Athletes:

While I take an optimistic approach with food in regards to their benefits, I am more cautious with supplements for athletes for two reasons. One, they can be expensive, and two, when taken in excess, supplements can become toxic. Some supplements can negatively interact with medications as well. In the case of food, however, even if the research is preliminary and conflicting as far as a particular benefit; if the food is generally healthy, why not incorporate it in our diets? 

Always talk with your doctor before taking supplements. You also want to check and see which supplements are allowed by your sport.

The Best Supplements for Athletes According to a Registered Dietitian. The Best Supplements for Optimal Athletic Performance

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How to Choose a Supplement

Supplements can have a place in our lives when we are not getting enough of a certain nutrient in our diet. Below is a list of my top favorite supplements. To approve a supplement, I look for supplements that are generally regarded as safe through research. I also look for supplements that are thirds party tested. You will know they are third part tested when you see third party certifications, like NSF, USP, or Informed Choice on the label. Finally, I look for supplements does what it says it can do according to ample research.

Supplements for Athletes

Vitamin C

During the fall and winter, athletes may want to consider taking an immune supportive supplement that contains Vitamin C. So far, it seems that taking vitamin C regularly does not prevent a cold in the general population, BUT when you do get a cold, ongoing vitamin C intakes may shorten the duration.

Vitamin C and Athletes   

Vitamin C appears more impactful in the extreme athlete. Studies show that Vitamin C supplements may actually prevent colds in people who are exposed to strenuous physical activity such as marathon runners (10). The risk of getting colds may be reduce to half in these individuals.  Bluebiology Immune Essentials contains Vitamin C as well as other immune supportive ingredients.

Other Active Ingredients in Bluebiology Immune Essentials


According to research, Elderberry may shorten the duration of the flu by 56% when taken within 48 hours of the first symptoms. Elderberry may shortens the duration and severity by blocking a viruses ability to spread. (14) 

Relief occurs within 2-4 days of treatment. Although elderberry seems to shorten the duration and severity, it does not seem to prevent the common cold and other viruses.  


According to a review of 15 studies, colds were prevented in people who took zinc by mouth for 5 months (14). Another review suggests that zinc lozenges and syrup is beneficial in reducing the duration and severity of the common cold in healthy people when taken within 24 hours of the onset of symptoms (84). However, eating foods high in zinc is safer than taking zinc supplements for long periods of time. Excessive zinc intakes could cause copper deficiency. Because of this I only take these zinc supplements every other day during the fall and winter months, when cold and flu is on the rise.

Evidence shows that vitamin D can have a significant impact on the immune system and may offer protection against the common cold (1216110111). In fact, people with low vitamin D levels are more susceptible to colds, flus, and respiratory infections. Adequate vitamin D may even decrease the rate of respiratory infections from colds, flu, bronchitis, and pneumonia. 

Mykind Elderberry Gummies

I also like MyKind Elderberry Gummies. They contain three immune supporting nutrients (elderberry, zinc, and vitamin C), and they are a little less expensive than others.

Tart Cherry Juice for Muscle Recovery

According to extensive research Tart Cherry Juice may aid in muscle recovery. This is believed to be the case due to the anti-inflammatory antioxidant, anthocyanin, found in tart cherries. I like the Cheribundi Tart Cherry Pure Brand. I especially like the Cheribundi Tart Cherry Juice with Antioxidants for Maximum Recovery – Light.

A Multi-vitamin with Omega-3

When an athlete’s brain is optimally nourished the athlete can quickly make those important split-second game decisions. Omega-3s have been shown to improve cognitive function in the elderly and in mice and have even been shown to improve brain function after a traumatic brain injury (7). We also have studies that show Omega-3 may benefit athletes, specifically. One placebo-controlled study of young female soccer players found that when the soccer players consumed DHA Omega-3, they had better reaction time, and a recent systemic review of 32 studies found similar benefits (1516). I like Nature Made Multi + Omega-3 for the fact that you can get other essential vitamins along with the Omega-3.

A Handful of Berries a Day

Remember, athletes want their brains to be optimally nourishing so they can make those quick game decisions. Although berries are not actually a supplement, you may want to eat a handful a day as if it was a daily supplement. One study found that when older adults ate 1 cup of antioxidant-rich blueberries for 90 days, their memory improved. Their ability to accurately switch tasks also improved compared to the placebo. According to a systemic review of 12 studies, berries improved mental performance in children and adults (8).


Although the results are mixed, the majority of evidence indicates that creatine does appear to improve performance in some sports (1314). Creatine may modestly improve strength as well. My Creatine Supplement pick is Bodylogix Micronized Creatine Monohydrate Power, NSF Certified. Powerade also make a sports drink with a small amount of added creatine- Powerade with Creatine.


According to a recent systemic review, Ashwagandha may improve VO2 Max in athletes and non-athletes; however, further research is needed (8). My Ashwagandha pick is Upgraid-Fully Organic Bio-available Turmeric, Ashwagandha, Ginger Root, and Tart Cherry Plant Based Supplements.


In a randomized placebo-controlled trial, ginger appeared to reduce exercise-induced muscle pain by as much as 25%, although more studies are needed (14). KOR Shots Wellness contain ginger in an easy to drink juice shot form.

Rhodiala Rosea

According to some early research, Rhodiala may improve athletic performance and endurance but not muscle function or exercise-induce muscle damage (15, 16). My pick is the Pure Encapsulation Rhodiala Rosea.

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Copyright © 2021 Mindfulness in Faith and Food, LLC.

Published by

Lacy Ngo

Lacy Ngo is a Registered Dietitian with a Masters in Human Nutrition. Lacy focuses on mindful eaitng and living and her blog provides over 400 nutrition and weight loss tips as well as inspiring faith stories

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